A1 True Jobs

A1 True Jobs

Advertising Terms of use

Sponsored ad will be display in the Categories / Pages / Homepage / Sidebar / Bottom Fixed

Listing on Pages: Listing on pages ad will be shown in all pages. Listing is divided into five positions.

  • For the first position you have to pay $50 for one month.
  • For the second position you have to pay $40 for one month.
  • For the third position you have to pay $30 for one month.
  • For the fourth position you have to pay $20 for one month.
  • For the fifth position you have to pay $10 for one month.

Listing on Categories: Listing on categories ad will be shown in all categories. Listing is divided into five positions.

  • For the first position you have to pay $32 for one month.
  • For the second position you have to pay $16 for one month.
  • For the third position you have to pay $8 for one month.
  • For the fourth position you have to pay $4 for one month.
  • For the fifth position you have to pay $2 for one month.

Listing on Home Page: Homepage listing will be shown in only the homepage of the website and it costs $20 for one month.

Display listing 720x90: Display listing 720x90 will be shown in the footer of all pages and it costs $100 for one month.

Display Listing 600x300: Display listing 600x300 will be shown into the sidebar section of all pages and costs $20 for one month.

Display Listing 300x250: Display listing 300x250 will be shown into the sidebar section of all pages and costs $10 for one month.

The General Terms and Conditions apply in conjunction with the Advertising Terms and Conditions.

Variation of Terms

A1 True Jobs may vary these Terms at any time. If A1 True Jobs varies these Terms, it will provide notice by publishing the varied Terms on the Site.

You accept that by doing this, A1 True Jobs has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation to its Terms. You will be notified of any material changes to the Terms which may be reasonably detrimental to you, 5 days prior to them taking effect.


If you purchase a Sponsored Ad the following payment terms apply:

You will be invoiced on the first of each month for services rendered for the month prior.

All amounts owing to A1 True Jobs under the Service Agreement must be paid within 14 days of the date of invoice.

We accept payment through Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking / Payment Walet.

If you do not pay your account on time A1 True Jobs may remove your Sponsored Ad without notice and refuse to supply further services to you.

You acknowledge that once the Service Agreement has been confirmed, the service may not be changed or refunded.